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Tuesday, February 18th 2025. 10:46:24 PM

Suggest a site to GardeningSites.org

Gardeningsites.org is a gardening resource that categorizes online gardening websites in a hierarchial manner and lists these websites by subject. Tight category control and very high editorial standards are what sets gardeningsites.org apart from the thousands of other directories on the internet. We pride ourselves on quality unique listings for our users and as such we do not accept all site suggestions. We have setup a submission policy for users which may assist them with their site suggestions to this directory.

We may reject, delete, or edit submissions that violate this policy, in our sole discretion, which may lead to the removal of listings at any time and without notice. We are NOT a listing service for SEO's & website submission services.

Follow below our policies and the steps to suggest a site before you begin.

Step One

Is your site appropriate for submission to gardeningsites.org?

  • Sites containing identical content or "Mirror" websites will not be accepted.
  • Sites redirecting to other URL's will not be accepted.
  • Sites consisting largely of affiliate links or "Adsense" which far outweighs the content will not be accepted.
  • Unfinished websites will not be accepted, by that we mean numerous broken links, 404's etc.. We do realize a website is ever evolving though.
  • Site must have unique on topic content.
  • Illegal content will not be accepted. This is a family-friendly directory suitable for all ages!

Step Two

Is your website already listed?

Use the Advanced Search form to ensure the website you are going to suggest isn't already listed. ie. yourdomain.tld. If it is listed you can create an account and claim the website. If no listing is present you may move to Step Three - Suggest URL.

Step Three

Suggest URL - Click the Suggest URL link at the bottom of the page and choose a payment option, there are two types:

  1. Standard Listing - Term 12 months $39.95 USD.
  2. Business Listing - Term 12 months $89.00 USD. All commercial brick & mortar busineses MUST use this listing Type and add their business address.


If you do not have an account you will be taken to the Account Creation form, required fields are marked with a red asterix. Once completed click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form.

You may then input your site URL, Site Title and Description.

Site Title -  Must be the official title of your site. Do not use all CAPITALS.

Description -  Describe what users will find at your site, list any features. Do not repeat your site name here. Do not use promotional language. Editors will change the description based on their review and editorial discretion.

Step Four

Click the submit button and you will be taken to PayPal to pay for your submission review.

Once paid we will receive the submission and review it. If your site meets our criteria and standards and has an abundance of on topic unique content we will list your site in the appropriate category. Editors have the right to alter the title and description and place the site in a category they deem is the most appropriate fit.

If the submission is rejected you will receive a notification by email. We do NOT give refunds under any circumstances. Payment does NOT guarantee a listing, only a review.